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How To Create Napsternetv Configuration files #2021

 How To Create Napsternetv Configuration files


Hello there welcome to Tech Magnet 24, so today I will be talking to you about Free internet browsing using Napsternetv vpn. First things first if you don't know what a VPN is then read below 


-A VPN is short name for Virtual Private Network(VPN) the main purpose of a VPN was to hide your location from the internet so people started to develop some kind of technology to use Vpns to connect to the internet and get Internet access without data this now there are different methods to this usage of Vpns today I will be sharing one of those methods which is V2ray 

V2ray is a plugin for SSL connection -But today I won't be explaining a lot about v2ray so let's continue 

What you will need 

Napsternetv apk [ Download it now ]

You will need internet connection (WiFi or data )

•you will need a Sni bug host [ Get Sni bug host]

1. You will have to go to a ssh provider site which provides v2ray Vmes

I listed some of the below 



2.chose a server from the website and create Your Vmes after your done creating it copy it and go to your Napsternetv VPN apk 

3.Click the Top menu And choose Import from clipboard, after its imported successfully just click on the edit button and copy your Sni host and paste it on the Address section and copy the link on the address section back to where your Sni bug host was ( Its just exchanging )

4.after editing click Save And test your File by clicking that Blue button at the bottom 

5. Enjoy the Connection And Browsing the internet safely with your Configuration file.

This is simple to use and its not so complicated like other applications

I hope This helped you bye

Note: for educational Purposes only.

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