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How to Place Manual banner ads on blogger

  How to Place Manual banner ads on blogger

How to Place Manual banner ads on your blogger website using the code that will be given today !

Hello visitor welcome to Techno Magnet 24, so today I will be showing you how to Add your own custom manual banner ads to advertise manually, now you may ask your self how useful is this? Well if can be helpful to you so you can advertise your other websites or your friends can advertise their products on your site or anyone who wants to use the spot! So let's get started on the Topic " How to place a Banner ad" Manual banner ad instruction

What to know 

You can use a image or a gif ,You will need the link to the image of give that you will be using, and the Code which I will give to you in a few seconds. 

 Steps to follow

Step1. You must have a Banner image or gif ready 

Step2. You will need the URL. Upload your image or gif in cloud storage, e.g google drive or you can upload the image or gif in a page in your site but don't publish the page just leave it as a draft, then copy the image or gif  URL .

Step3. Go to your Blogger dashboard and go to "layout",choose the area where you want the banner to appear then click "add Gadget"and choose " HTML/ JavaScript "option 

Step4. After Choosing" HTML/ JavaScript" a pop-up will show up  where you can enter "TITLE" and "Content". But in this case do not write anything on the Title option on Put the code on the big content box 


<a href="https://example.com">

<img src="here paste the image address URL" />


Enter the code into the "Content" section and replace the" href= "code with your own destination code, this is the code where visitors will be redirected to when they click the banner ad. and replace the "src="code with your own image or gif URL which you copied on step 2.

Step6. Click the save button after replacing the links.

After following the steps above you can view the ad and that's it.

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