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How to use social Data as Real Data

 How to use Social media data as Real data

Welcome to Tehcno magnet 24 Today I will be showing you how to use Social data as real data that can work anytime anywhere! Just like normal Data for free without buying it, but its only for day. this method works on all networks

How it works?

This Method require only you to have a Social data Like Facebook, YouTube,WhatsApp, Instagram,Twitter or Tik Tok data. if you have the social data then Next you will need a VPn called TLS Tunnel and you can Download it from the play store for free 100%. After you have the TLS Tunnel Apk you will need to follow the steps below

Step1. You will need to open the apk and Click the allow button.

Step2. You will Click to the Defult butron or Little popdown button like shown below then choose The SNI option 

Step3. Enter the URL depending on the kind of Social data, if its Youtube data enter " m.YouTube.com" and if its Instagram enter "m.Instagram.com" it will depend on what kind of social data it is 

Step4. Choose a Server, I recommende that you choose a server close to your country because it will be fast.

Step5. Choose a Port, or you can leave it at Auto!

Step6. Click the connect button and it will connect then just Enjoy your data anywhere you like however you like it.

How to get a free Social media data on MTN ?

MTN pulse offers A Free 1GB Social data bundle For free to who ever invites friends to join MTN pulse, and When the person joins MTN pulse the inviter gets a free 1GB social data bundle for 1 day and today I will be showing you a way to use that same Social data to work as Real data !! And it can work anywhere including Any browser or YouTube or anywhere you want to use it at So let's get started 

This works on all networks in south Africa.

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